The fun way mom assigns chores to her kids is brilliant and effective

One mom has found a unique but practical way to assign back-to-school chores to her kids – dress up for a fancy dinner the night before school starts and announce everyone’s special chore for the year. How can we join this big family?

TikTok mom and content creator Sharon set up cameras for the dinner, showing off her gorgeous and hilarious outfit for the night, which included pearls and a scarf. She then goes around the table, assigning age-appropriate chores to each of her six (yes, six!) children. Yes, she got herself and her husband involved.

“Every year, the day before school starts, we announce a total of two chores for each child. This year, we announced it at our FANCY-Preschool Night Feast. Fancy costumes and fine china are required ,” she wrote in the text accompanying the video.

“We’ve been doing this for five or six years and it works great! This year, we’re trying to change the chores every six months instead of every year.

“First, Dad will be in charge of the upstairs bathroom again. Everyone says thank you, Dad,” she began.

“Thank you, Dad.” the children said in unison.

“Mom, I’m taking on craft room responsibility this year,” she announced next.

“Thank you, Mom,” the children replied.

As for the kids, her 14-year-old was up first.

“She’s got a new one. She’s going to hate it,” Sharon said with a smile. “Your job this year is the porch. When it snows, you have to shovel the sidewalks and paths to the street!

The family applauded.

“Hey, you have a living room too. It doesn’t snow every day!” she joked.

Next up is her 12-year-old.

“You’re entering seventh grade this year. You’re the oldest in school, which is cool. For the next six months, you’ll be taking out the trash in the downstairs bathroom. Also, you guys need to start using the downstairs bathroom. You Also take care of any redecorating you want to do. I’ll give you a budget and you two need to figure out how to redecorate the bathroom,” she said to her two older children.

Her eleven-year-old runs the dishwasher and cleans the hallways, which was their job last year, “because you were so bad at it this year,” Sharon joked.

“You’re forced to do it for another six months.”

For the next six months, her nine-year-old’s chore will be cleaning the TV room, while her eight-year-old will be responsible for clearing and setting the table in the morning and evening.

“You’re going to be good at it. You’re going to be my helper. It’s going to be amazing. Which means you have to do this tonight,” she told them. “You have a floating chore, which means I have a chore every day and I’m like, I need you to do this for me real quick. This is your daily chore. So, it’s fun for you to do these chores. , because it changes every day, which is cool and unlike other people, maybe one day you won’t.

And finally: her kindergarten teacher.

“This year you are in charge of the entrance, and you have to help mom with the craft room!”

“Okay, what do you think about this?” she asked her family, who then burst into applause.

In her caption, Sharon elaborated on her video and provided more context, including that having such a big family wasn’t exactly in her life plans, but bad things happened!

“Keep in mind I was never supposed to have so many kids. 😅I’m not very good at it but we make it work and I really feel like I’m trying to figure out how to make it work best for all of us…” she wrote .

“At least the maintenance part of the house😂. We’ve been doing this tradition of throwing big feasts and announcing chores for five years and it’s a family favorite. Wearing fancy outfits is a big hit and we will continue it for years to come Add to that. We also have a fancy ninja, ninja, pirate and fairy which adds to the magic and joss. It’s really chaotic most of the time but also fun. I didn’t plan or want 6 kids. But we’re here, doing our best to make it awesome ❤️”

Sharon may think she’s “not very good” at having such a big family, but I definitely disagree! She looks like she knocked it out of the park!

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