This viral Disney hack has parents outraged

we might like disneyland more Than the next family. We celebrated our middle child’s first birthday with a family trip to Disneyland and have been back several times a year ever since.

That’s why when I saw the Kelly family’s viral TikTok Disney “hack,” I was intrigued. As an administrator for a very large Disney Online group, I see all the ways people try to bend the rules to get what they want in the parks. I’ll be the first to admit, for an extremely expensive vacation, I can’t say I blame people for wanting to get the most out of their money. On the other hand, I’ve never seen Disney “hacking” as irresponsible or dangerous as what’s been circulating on TikTok.

Here’s everything you need to know about this dangerous solution, why it’s irresponsible and the backlash the family faced after the virus spread.

Parents/Getty Images

Viral Disney hack explained

This is where it all begins. In the original video, the family explained that their youngest son, Guanyin, was a thrill-seeker who loved going to amusement parks and riding the rides. But he doesn’t quite meet the height requirements for some of the more adventurous rides. So the family took matters into their own hands.

The video shows parents shopping for platform shoes for their son. Then, with the help of some flip-flops and Gorilla Glue, they added extra layers to the soles to create a taller platform to help their son “meet” the height requirements for riding.

Why this hacker is dangerous

Height requirements for rides are non-negotiable. According to the Rides Database, there is evidence that children who do not meet height requirements are at higher risk for injuries, including falls and ejections from moving rides. Rides will need to undergo numerous tests before guests are allowed to experience them, and height restrictions will also be put in place as a safety measure. Safety mechanisms on amusement rides are designed by the manufacturer for those who comply with specified requirements.

It all seems like common sense. Yet here we are. Sharing this hack is not only irresponsible to the millions of people who have seen it, but it actually puts the children in the video at risk. As parents, we have an obligation to teach our children the difference between right and wrong.

Breaking the rules or trying to trick the system in order to comply? Wrong! Ignoring rules because they might not be fun? Wrong! In this case, blatant disregard for the rules is not only wrong, but dangerous. How do you plan to hold your children accountable for future indiscretions when they are actually being told that the rules do not apply to them?

ensuing anger

The collective outrage from parents and non-parents online was loud and angry. Amusement parks, especially Disney, are a privilege. Now, it seems the Kelly family is also aware of the dangerous implications surrounding their Disney shoe hack content.

The parents initially responded to the commenter’s backlash, insisting they would never encourage others to try their “hack.” They also stated that their son had never actually been on any ride that did not meet the actual height requirements. Another video posted on YouTube and images circulating online show the family successfully testing their hacking skills.

Eventually, the Kellys deleted all videos related to the shoe hacking incident and replaced them with their apology. In the film, the couple say their influence comes with responsibility. They acknowledged that while their son was not injured while performing the “hack,” they would never want anyone else to be harmed because of their ideas. They also said they are committed to being more careful about what they post. But is this too little too late? They shared the original “Disney Ultimate Hack” video days ago and faced backlash and criticism for potentially putting their son in danger.

Influence and responsibility to the masses aside, I look forward to the day when people are no longer obsessed with chasing influence on social media and forget about basic safety. No one in the family may have been harmed this time, but we really shouldn’t be advocating for breaking the rules that were put in place to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

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