TikTok has all kinds of seasonal vibes. What is yours?

Fall is officially here, which means it’s time to crawl into your home and get cozy. I don’t make the rules. But the word “comfortable” is too vague! In order to make some real decisions, you need to determine your aesthetic. If this sounds like a daunting task, don’t worry—social media can help.

If your Instagram Reels algorithm looks similar to the one I have now, you’re probably getting a lot of seasonal inspo of moody posts. Sure, some of these are just fall, but many of them go a step further and break out the types of fall you might encounter. do you feel Strega Nona This year? Or maybe you’re like Meg Ryan? What about a (charming) jaded Englishwoman?

My fellow Millennials will notice that there is a a lot of 90s nostalgia. Of course, we may be unhappy with this. Or we could take a chance and live out all our adult fantasies while enjoying a Putamayo world music show at No. 1 Grand Import Store. (No? Just me?) Let’s break it down.

1.Strega Nona Faure

this new york times On TikTok, “Brat Summer” has been replaced by “Strega Nona Fall,” inspired by Tomie DePaola’s 1975 classic children’s book about a witch whose magic jar of spaghetti is destroyed by a man named Big Anthony. Big Anthony’s helpers mishandled the situation and drowned the town. The aesthetic is unique: “The illustrations in the book, also by Mr. de Paola, feature the rich colors of the Italian countryside, replete with terracotta tiles, jewel-toned peacocks and curly tendrils of pasta that stretch across the page breaks,” the times wrote. Maybe you’re thinking about getting a decorative rooster for your kitchen? Go forward! There’s probably someone sitting at a tag auction near you right now.

2. Exhausted British woman falls

For me personally, pasta is great, but it’s a year-round food. To evoke the feeling of fall, I needed something that would appear heavier in windy weather. To do this, we must seek help from our neighbors across the ocean.

As an older millennial, I can’t help but laugh at this; for example, I look at this photo on Instagram and feel like this is the romanticized version of Starbucks for young people circa 2000. Sign me up! One question you might ask is, is this jaded British woman Renee Zellweger’s Bridget Jones or Kiera Knightley? love actually. For me, despite respecting the fact that Knightley is actually British and Zellweger is from Katy, Texas, I’d go with Bridget Jones. In fact, I directly attribute this particular Instagram reel to the fact that I just bought a used, baggy felt wool coat and I’m ready to live this life with a wallet full of junk. But you can never get me to wear that thin scarf again.

3. Meg Ryan Foer

Obviously, we have to give the iconic romantic comedy queen her due. Meg Ryan Fall is for anyone eyeing a burgundy turtleneck and a pair of chunky knee-high boots. Note that this is obviously city based! You go in and out of second-hand bookstores. Instead of driving on winding country roads, you’ll be strolling through the park and admiring the bright fall foliage. You probably store all those pretty sweaters in a weird place during the summer. you yes Keep weekly therapy appointments because closing your mom’s bookstore will be emotionally difficult, and it’s okay to need support.

4. practical magic fall

This one is for girls who made lots of “magic potions” as kids and now share how to dry their own flowers on Instagram while burning incense. You long for a Queen Anne with creaking floors and turrets. Your relationship with your sister, while contentious, was ultimately loving. You own several velvet garments. You keep trying to garden but your plants keep dying, but no judgment because the same. You may have just broken up. Pro tip: If scented candles also give you headaches, switch to unscented, pure beeswax.

5. Claire Fraser Foer

What if you like candles, but not in a witchy way? What if you need more pottery and a heartier stew? What if you can’t stop buying plaids, wool sweaters, and chunky knit socks in loam colors? Then you are about to visit Clare Fraser Falls. Get yourself a linen apron and embrace it. Start shopping for woven baskets at your local Goodwill and vintage pine cabinets on Facebook Marketplace. Personally, while I love her aesthetic, I find Claire Fraser’s life too stressful, and I’m a woman who burns out easily, as we’ve already discussed.


Let me remind you of the opening lines of JRR Tolkien’s classic: hobbitthe book that started it all: “In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit. It was not a filthy, dirty, damp hole full of worm-ends and stinky smells, nor was it a dry, bare A sandy cave with nothing to sit in or eat in: it’s a hobbit hole, and it’s meant to be cozy no one does it better, so there’s a good chance that memes about the deep coziness of Middle-earth are coming to you. The dynamics of the game creep in. Armchairs are key here; so are tea and carb-heavy meals, and of course the game does a great job of encapsulating a sense of doom heading toward you across the horizon. Feel like, and nine mysterious, faceless riders asking for your name somewhere across the Brandywine River, if you saw me at my local Michael’s buying foam boards to replicate this amazing DIY project. Please say hi!

7. gilmore girls fall

This is basically…Connecticut. Stunning orange leaves, dozens of cups of coffee. This is a bit like practical magic Come fall, get rid of your tattoos and replace your milk tea lattes with straight coffee. Your vast collection of cute coats is no longer enough, but you won’t stop buying them, not now or ever. They know your name and what you ordered at the local restaurant, and they worry about how much caffeine you’re getting.

8. Whimsical animal falls

This is for everyone who revisits Angelina, dancer Being a parent and realizing it profoundly shapes their taste in interior design. In other words, this is for the Messy Core team. You eat your girls’ dinner of acorns in comfort under the oak tree. You can’t stop buying plaid. You want to crawl into the festive gourd on your dining room table and go home. If you can help it, you have absolutely no intention of leaving your home for the next six months.

9. Mimo Falls

Here, I admit, while apple picking is lovely, because I grew up in the South, I actually associate fall with two things: football and deer season. we are talking perhaps Wear a cardigan to Thanksgiving dinner on your great-aunt’s patio.

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