“Venmo mom” would rather pay the bill than volunteer at school

The start of school is right around the corner (or maybe you and your kids are already starting), and every day you’re getting 1,000 different push notifications, emails from teachers, sports sign-ups, and maybe some volunteering or hosting some fun runs or school Fundraising opportunities.

But what if you don’t want to be a part of any of this? Enter: Venmo Mom!

One TikTok mom (@nealfamilychaos) expressed her frustration after she felt judged by other parents who volunteered at their children’s schools when she sent some cash real Bad?

She explained that she didn’t like being overly involved in classroom volunteer work, calling it “stressful” because she felt she might be judged.

“I don’t know about other people, but meeting with teachers is stressful because I don’t want to be a part of it at all. I make sure my kids do their homework, get to school on time, etc. But I don’t want to be the PTO, PTA, room Mom, team mom. I didn’t want to do anything,” she admits.

“When they started recruiting volunteers, I started to feel real pressure. I thought, ‘Oh no. I know they’re judging me because I didn’t put my hand up,’ but I didn’t want to do that extra thing.” I don’t want to come in.

While she openly admits that she doesn’t want to do any actual physical labor in her children’s classrooms, she would happily send money to make it happen.

“If a room mom needs money get everyone involved. Wonderful. I would Venmo the money in a heartbeat… I even told a coach today that I am a Venmo mom.

Her honest thoughts on school volunteering sparked a lively discussion in the TikTok comments section.

One netizen joked: “Ma’am, I’m a teacher and I don’t want to get involved in meeting the teacher. 🤣🤣🤣🤣”

“As PTO and room moms, we appreciate the money moms send in. A place for everyone! Haha,” wrote another.

“As a room mom, I love Venmo Mom!” said another.

“I would literally pay for the entire event, just don’t let me actually go 😂,” one Venmo mom wrote.

“As a teacher you would be one of my favorite parents and I’m sorry but my room mom is so snobbish and nosy. I will only love you and only you. 💜💜” said another .

OP replies: “Thanks! Yeah, I can’t watch a high school drama where my kids are supposed to be studying!

“There’s a place for everyone. I’ve done everything but nothing to send funds and put the guilt aside. I gave snacks to my mom 😉,” wrote another.

Exactly this! While this mom may be judged for only providing cash for school events, she’s actually an integral part of making everything run smoothly.

After her video went viral, @nealfamilychaos created an update video thanking everyone for making her feel less alone and giving a huge shout-out to the moms doing the work in classrooms and schools.

“I’m so happy that I found other women like me, moms like me, who are like ‘Take my money and please don’t ask me to do more,'” she said.

“We’re really into cheerleading, football, baseball and school activities. I mean, like involved, my kids participate in these activities and I’m with all these moms all the time, but you know what I mean. So thanks To all the moms out there who love doing this, because you really make it special for the kids, you put a lot of effort and time into it, and my kids and I are so grateful to you.

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