What is “menopausal belly”? Experts explain midlife development

For Gen You watch your mom shivering through hot flashes and complaining (understandably) about unpredictable periods, and you know your time is coming. You’re now acutely aware of the discussions surrounding perimenopause and menopause, which is probably why a popular term has caught your attention: menopausal belly.

Let’s start by saying that your body is beautiful, amazing, and capable of doing some super cool and hard things. It should be worshiped. But even if you love yourself and are generally happy with what you see in the mirror, it’s not always easy to appreciate every detail of your body, and that’s okay.

Between FUPA and VBO, giving names to our problems only makes us understand them better. (Thanks, social media.) Now that menopausal belly has entered the conversation, you’re already wondering what it might mean for you. So, what is it? What causes this? And how do you respond? We turned to the experts for answers.

What is menopausal tummy?

During menopause, you will notice that your body changes in many ways. Even the shape of your body—where your curves are before and where they are after—can change during this time. You may notice that your belly becomes rounder and softer, commonly known as a menopausal belly.

Also, many people experience gastrointestinal issues (or gastrointestinal symptoms) during menopause, causing you to feel bloated or uncomfortably full.

What causes a small belly during menopause?

Dr. Anna Cabeca, triple board certified obstetrician-gynecologist and author of MenuPause: Five unique eating plans to hit weight loss plateaus and improve mood, sleep and hot flashes Learn all about menopause, especially the menopausal belly.

“As a gynecologist, I support women at all stages of their lives. Let me tell you, menopause is undoubtedly one of the most challenging stages we go through,” Cabeka said. “One of the most common side effects of menopause in women is bloating – excess bulk around the abdomen. This happens to women regardless of size, weight or activity level. The reason is actually quite simple; it’s a combination of hormonal changes and Changes in the gut microbiome, where we produce less estrogen, can lead to dysbiosis, which can lead to abdominal bloating.

Bloating. yeah. This is just one of the reasons why you might be experiencing menopausal belly. Menopausal weight gain is also a common culprit.

“Two key hormones come into play here: insulin and cortisol. As we age, we become more insulin resistant and cortisol levels increase; both hormones cause an increase in glucose, which in turn feeds The gut bacteria then produce large amounts of natural gas,” explains Cabeka. “Additionally, as we age, our digestive enzymes tend to decrease over time, which can lead to impaired digestion and gut bacterial imbalance. Simply put, the more insulin resistant we are, the more insulin we store The more fat there is in the way of water, gas and fat.

How to stay away from menopausal belly?

If your menopausal belly makes you feel physically uncomfortable, there are things you can do to minimize (or at least not worsen) any symptoms.

First, pay attention to the foods that make you feel uncomfortable. If you find that you tend to experience bloating and uncomfortable tightness after eating dairy products, reduce your cheese and dairy intake. One more thing to consider? During menopause, our bodies slow down digestion, so we need to give our bodies more time between meals, Cabeca says.

“As we age, we can also supplement with digestive enzymes and probiotics,” says Cabeca. “Also, I recommend natural fermented foods or natural digestive enzymes like kimchi and sauerkraut, and regular intake of digestive foods like ginger. If we eat legumes, I recommend using some herbs and spices that reduce gas formation. One of my favorites Adding cilantro to your meals can reduce some bloating. Also, eliminate grains and legumes and find out for yourself what’s causing your bloating.

Exercise also helps support health (at any age) and can enhance the effectiveness of dietary changes. Plus, exercise is known to be a way to relieve stress, which can definitely affect your body.

Any big gains? certainly.

Cabeca strongly encourages exploring how the body responds to energy-boosting foods during menopause.

“While there are some rules of thumb, general lifestyle diets and guidance that we can all follow, we have to remember that we are all individuals with our own unique gene pool,” Cabeca said. “Ingredients and Food Effects in People Different. So it’s important to determine what works best for you.”

And, remember: this isn’t your mother’s or your grandmother’s menopause. You have the internet, so the whole world is at your fingertips. You are not going through menopause alone. Look for groups or message boards online to find fellow menopausal people who may be dealing with the same issues you are. Everything is easier when you have a sounding board.

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